- 连 link; join; connect
- 兜 pocket; bag
- 帽 cap; hat; helmet; headgear
- 防 provide against; defend agai ...
- 水 water
- 外 outside; external side
- 兜 Ⅰ名词(口袋一类的东西) pocket; bag 裤兜儿 trousers pocket; 网兜儿 string bagⅡ动词1.(做成兜形把东西拢住) wrap up in a piece of cloth, etc.: 用毛巾兜着几个鸡蛋 carry a few eggs wrapped up in a towel2.(绕; 绕弯儿) move round 有什么话就直说吧! 别兜圈子了。 if there's anything you want to say, don't beat about the bush, and just say it out. 我们乘车在城里兜了一圈。 we went for a drive around in town.3.(招揽) canvass; solicit 兜售 peddle4.(承担或包下来) take upon oneself; take responsibility for sth.: 没关系, 出了问题我兜着。 don't worry. if anything goes wrong, i'll take responsibility for it
- 连 Ⅰ动词1.(连接) link; join; connect 他和群众心连心。 his heart is linked with the hearts of the masses. 天连水, 水连天。 the sky and the water seem to merge. 我们把小块的地连成大块的田。 we joined up small plots of land and made bigger fields. 这两个分句由一个连词连在一起。 the two clauses are joined by a conjunction. 这两个市镇有铁路相连。 the two towns are connected by a railway.2.(连累) involve (in trouble); implicate 互相牵连 be implicative of each other3.[方言] (缝) sew 缝缝连连 sewing and mending; 把两块布连在一起 sew two pieces of cloth togetherⅡ名词1.(军队的编制单位) company 一连步兵 a company of foot2.(连词) conjunction3.(姓氏) a surname 连称 lian chengⅢ副词1.(连续; 接续) in succession; one after another; repeatedly 连唱了五支歌 sing five songs one after another; 连发三封电报 send three telegrams in succession2.(甚至) even 他忙得连家信都忘了写。 he was so busy that he even forgot to write home. 我连想都没有想过。 i didn't even give a thought. 这事连我妈都不知道, 别说我了! even my mother is in the dark about it , to say nothing of me!Ⅳ介词(包括在内) including 这本词典连邮费共一百元。 this dictionary is 100 yuan, postage included. 这个办公室连我共有十人。 there are ten people in this office including me
- 帽 名词1.(帽子) cap ; hat; helmet; headgear 礼帽 top hat; bowler hat; 军帽 service cap; 安全帽 safety helmet2.(作用或形状像帽子的东西) cover; cap-like things 螺钉帽儿 screw cap; 笔帽儿 the cap of a pen; 笼屉帽儿 the lid of a food steamer
- 防 Ⅰ动词(防鸶) provide against; defend against; guard against 防患 guard against disaster; 防身 defend oneself; 预防 take precautions; 防病 prevent disease; 以防万一 be prepared for all contingencies; be ready of any eventualityⅡ名词1.(防守; 防御) defence 海防 coast defence; 边防 frontier defence; 布防 organize a defence; 国防 national defence2.(堤; 挡水的建筑物) dam; dyke; embankment 堤防 dyke3.(姓氏) a surname 防广 fang guang
- 套 名1.(套子) cover; case; sheath 袖套 sleeves; 手套 gloves; 枕套 pillowcase; pillowslip; 椅套 slipcover for a chair2.(河流或山势的弯曲处) a bend of a river or a curve in a mountain range 河套 the bend of a river; the great bend of the huanghe river3.[方言] (棉衣、棉被里的棉絮) cotton padding or wadding; batting 袄套 jacket padding; 褥套 bedding sack; 被套 cotton wadding of a quilt; quilt padding4.(拴牲口的挽绳) harness; traces 大车套 harness for a cart; 拉套 pull a plough or cart; 这匹马不上套。the horse kicks over the traces.5.(用绳子等结成的环状物) knot; loop 死套儿 fast knot; 活套儿 slipknot; running knot; 拴个套儿 tie a knot; make a loop6.(应酬的话; 陈陈相因的办法) convention; formula 俗套 convention; conventional pattern; formality; 客套 polite remarks; routine compliments; 虚套 mere formalities; conventionalities; 老一套 the same old stuff; stereotype7.(阴谋) trick; trap; noose 圈套 trap; noose; 落入套中 fall into a trapⅡ动词1.(互相衔接或重叠) overlap; interlink 套接两个环 interlink two rings; 一环套一环 one ring linked with another -- a closely linked succession2.(罩在外面) slip over 套上床罩 cover the bed with the counterpane or bedspread; 套上一件外套 slip on an outer garment3.[方言] (把棉胎和被褥或袄缝合) sew a padding [wadding] into a jacket or a quilt4.(用套拴系) harness; hitch up 把马套上车 hitch a horse to a waggon; 我去套牲口。 i'll go and harness the beast.5.(模仿) model after [on]; copy 生搬硬套 apply or copy mechanically; 套样 copy model6.(引出; 诱出) trick into talking; coax a secret out of sb.; pump out 套口供 trick an accused into confession or admitting details; trap a suspect into admitting his guilt; 让我们想法儿套他的话。 let's try to draw the secret out of him. 真实情况终于从他那里一点点地套了出来。 the truth was drawn from him by degrees.7.(拉拢) bring close to; try to win 套近乎 cotton up to; become close to sb.; 套交情 try to get in good with sb.8.(用丝锥或板牙切削螺纹) turn or cut thread (of a screw)Ⅲ形容词(罩在外面的) over; outer 套鞋 overshoesⅣ量词(用于成组的事物) set; suit; suite; series 一套家具 a set of furniture; 一套篷帆 a suit of sails; 一套房间 a suite of rooms; a flat; 一套纪念邮票 a series of memorial stamps
- 外 Ⅰ名词1.(外面) outside; external side 名声在外 be well-known; 校外 outside the school2.(外国) foreign country 古今中外 modern or ancient times, china or foreign countries; 对外贸易 trade with foreign countries; foreign trade3.(以外) besides; beyond; in addition 此外 besides; into the bargain; 除外 except; not including; not countingⅡ形容词1.(外边的) outer; outward; external 外套 outerwear; outer garment; 外分泌 external secretion2.(指自己所在地以外的) other 外县 other county; 外来干部 an outside cadre; cadre transferred from other place; cadres not native to the locality3.(称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚) on one's mother's, sister's or daughter's side 外甥儿 sister's son; nephew; 外甥女 sister's daughter; niece4.(关系疏远的) not closely related 外人 stranger; outsider; alien; 你太见外了。 you regarded me as an outsider.5.(非正式的; 非正规的) informal; unofficial 外号 nickname; 外史 unofficial historyⅢ副词1.(向外; 往外) abroad; outward; out 外嫁 marry abroad or marry out; 外露 leak out2.(另外) extra; moreover 外加 additionally; extra
- 水 名词1.(由两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合而成的液体) water 淡 [软; 硬] 水 fresh [soft; hard] water; 海绵吸水。 a sponge absorbs water. 水含有氢和氧。 water contains hydrogen and oxygen.2.(河流) river 汉水 the han river3.(指江、河、湖、海、洋) a general term for rivers, lakes, seas, etc.; water 水陆运输 land and water transportation; 水上人家 boat dwellers; 水平如镜。 the surface of the water is as smooth as a mirror.4.(水流) current 顺水 downstream; with the current; 我们的船逆水而行。 our ship stemmed on against the current.5.(稀的汁) a liquid 桔子水 orangeade; 墨水 ink6.(货币中银的含量) silver content in coins 贴水 discount for inferior coins7.(指附加的费用或额外的收入) extra charges or income 汇水 remittance fee; 外水 extra income8.(五行之一) water, one of the five elements9.(水族) the shui nationality, living mainly in guizhou10.(姓氏) a surname 水苏民 shui sumin
- 帽,帽(结构) cap
- e连 easy company
- 帽 (教宗) camauro
- 帽(无沿) cap
- 帽(有沿) hat
- 帽,罩 cap; cowl
- include防 include guard
- 藩,防 fence
- 防-67 contelmin
- 防…的 impenetrable
- 抗、防 anti-
- 扣箍,套 buckle